Do You Love God?
Jesus warns us of counting the costs before entering into this war
Starting with bearing your cross, referring to the sufferings we will have to endure in this world if we follow Him. He's obviously not encouraging apostacy, yet warning us of troubles to not be blindsided, and for us to have comfort knowing this is a form of fellowship in His/our sufferings in being a true Christian.
He talks of those who don't sit down first and count the costs to see if you can finish building your temple.
I guess the matter of the fact comes down to:
Do You Love GOD?
And this love requires some sort of suffering when living in an ungodly world. When not conforming to this world and living a holy life, we are in opposition to its lawlessness.
Some count this New Covenant lightly, though Christ died upon establishing it with his redeeming blood, so we could be a new creation in Him.
The other parable is a man who makes war with 10,000 against 20,000.
To show in the appearance of our trials we are outnumbered sheep in the midst of wolves, as David says, they are more than the hairs in my head.
And as we get closer to the end times, relief isn't promising as apostasy and deception increase.
Then he goes on to state, he desires peace.
This is the forfeit of the soul to the wicked one; the captivity of the devil; the gaining of the world; the turning back as lot's wife to perdition, to be burnt up (GN 19:26, HEB 10:39); a forsaking of the right way and going astray as a Balaam after the wages of unrighteousness (2 PT 2:15).
"But his wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt."-Genesis 19:26 KJV
But God says, if any loves Him, the same as none of Him (1 COR 8:3, PV 8:17), and again, He loves those that love Him, and "love can make one do crazy things" as the saying goes, and this is the greatest love.
"But if any man love God, the same is known of him."-1 Corinthians 8:3 KJV
"I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me."-Proverbs 8:17
To be loved of the ruler of all, the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that dwell therein always, isn't taken lightly by the enemy or the Saint.